i figured someone might be interested in the setup used for these shots. barring a full mod list — kinda hard at this point — this should cover the major elements, environmentally speaking.
film workshop revival
okay so meaningful imagery for this is still to come, but i've switched out the Improved and Expanded Everything 2 - Beyond Quality And Immersion Turbo Plus Alpha Final Mix enb for the latest version of Film Workshop which is just mmmmmmph. i've also made some gameplay changes — pumping up the difficulty to just plain stupid and making ghouls even more terrifying and mob-like with the Zombie Walkers mod (also shout-out to my forever-love Clickerfied Ghouls, which appears to be under moderation review at nexus probably 'cause its sounds are ripped straight from the last of us. dang. oh yeah so i've also added Amazing Follower Tweaks so i don't just get horrifically overrun in this new death-around-every-corner hellscape. anyway.
Film Workshop is an amazing enb that delivers phenomenal performance while giving you incredible control over colour grading and visual style. i love it so much and i can't give it enough praise or do it sufficient justice in my own shots — it's absolutely worth checking out for yourself if it's level of control is your idea of a good time.
at the core of this latest setup are three distinct and interchangeable environmental vortex profiles i can swap between with ease\, dubbed them frost, lush and dessicated. each rests on the luxor/flacon/vivid texture set foundation i've been using for a while now, and includes a distinct set of environmental packages (and custom-generated lods) to completely change the feel of the outdoor gameworld.
frost carries the snow-and-ice settings listed under hard winter below. it's got a custom film workshop setup that accentuates the brightness of a white world and adds lovely cold tones into everything so it feels equal parts harsh and freezing cold.
lush is my 'main' profile — it uses the environmental mods detailed below for honestly just kinda damp, except the switch-up of enb has allowed me to create what i find to be a better visual tone for the borealis-driven environment, so things don't feel so unrelentingly humid. also i've turned nuclear winter mechanics back on for this with less extreme temps, so there's added challenge without the full misery of a frosty playthrough.
dessicated is still a work in progress, but it's utilising a combination of Barren Wasteland to clear out all the trees, the gorgeous Badlands for desert rock textures, and the gorgeous new Veldt grass textures — these last two in place of Borealis. i say this is still a work in progress because i haven't found my happy place with this environmental setup, yet - i'm not sure if the entirely barren thing is my jam, or if i'll want to add at least some trees back. i suspect it'll just take some gameplay, and some tweaking of the visual setup, and things will start working for me because i absolutely adore the screenshots on the badlands and veldt mod pages. no misty pines running on this setup, obviously.
so yeah i guess i'd better start updating the gallery to match all this info,
honestly just kinda damp
current previous setup was running Borealis/Borealis Grass over Boston Natural Surroundings, with Resurrection Forest Edition (or uh get it somewhere) underneath them both. Textures include Luxor's over FlaconOil's over Vivid AIO, + various packs for specific bits and pieces (e.g. Street Signs). Misty Pines for the mist, also some pines.
lighting/weather for both this and the hard winter setup is using a tweaked Improved and Expanded Everything 2 - Beyond Quality And Immersion Turbo Plus Alpha Final Mix — the ironic name is, ironically, unironic — as well as NAC for actual seasons, and Fallout2287 for general atmospheric hostility and gasmasks. Plus a bunch of other great mods, naturally, like ENB lights overhaul and a Better Workshop Lights installation edited in FO4Edit to add shadows to pretty much every goddamn thing that could conceivably cast a shadow without breaking the game (i like my walls to occlude light, tyvm)
hard winter
winter setup is using Winter Redone and Winter Commonwealth Pines in place of Borealis/BNC/Res. Frozen Lakes and Rivers adds ice in a number of places, allowing travel where swimming would induce hypothermia (thanks Nuclear Winter!). I also tried Icepick Overhaul at some point mid-game. it was good, but i preferred my earlier setup so reverted.
raider queen
the raider playthrough was built around a vivid weathers/true storms hybrid setup + true nights. i was bouncing between enbs during that playthrough, but i know i spent time with a customised stalker enb, dawn enb, vogue enb and visceral enb. Boston Natural Surroundings again, too. It's a great mod.
it's been a minute, and at this point i honestly can't recall which environment mods i was running for the grimehouse shots. rust belt flora, probably? — but weather was handled by NAC running under the film workshop ENB, which is an absolutely phenomenal engine, assuming you've got the time and patience to give it a fair shot
well, that's about the meat of it. i'll update the info here should any further salient details spring to mind - and, if you know me, feel free to hit me up on discord with any questions or for a more complete mod list.